
About Me

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Hi there, I am Mary Nell and I live in the Ozarks. I live on a farm which is my own little piece of Heaven. I love to craft, quilt and create. There is always something new going through my head that I see that I want to try to make or design. While quilting is a long standing tradition here it is something that I am fairly new at. I hope that on this blog you will find something that will spark your interest.and you too will want to sit down and make something for your loved ones. But once you do I can tell you that it can lead to a serious condition. There is no cure. Once you start it is something that you just can't stop...Enjoy!

Monday, December 28, 2015

lost time

Sorry for the delay in posting I have been really sick for months.  Finally ended up in the hospital and found out I had pneumonia and was diagnosed as a diabetic.  In fact I was at stroke level when they admitted me.  I had no sign of any problems but I guess all the medications that they gave me for the bronchitis and the other things brought out what i already had a propensity for!  So I am home now but still not doing much.  I did finish my quilt and it turned out really cute.  I don't know that rag quilting is for me but I might give it one more try.  When i am not sick and making it for someone else! 
I think it turned out real nice.  But I have to tell you that this is not the tea stained cloth.  That will have to be used a different time and place come to find out that I needed a bigger quilt than what we had dyed cloth for.  This started out for what I thought was a crib and then she converted her crib and I thought twin size again I should not have been thinking because it turned out to be a full size conversion.  But We have a happy 3 year old to have stars on his quilt and a doggy on the back. 
    The holidays have taken up a large part of my feel good days and there hasn't been many But I did manage to make about 17 dozen cookies some for gifts.  Then my grandchildren and kids took home the rest,  We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with lots of gifts to open and lots of love to go around.  Its always a blessing to have my family at home.  Well here is hoping that you all had a fantastic Christmas and that your New Year will be safe and happy and the start of a beautiful year!  I will be back!!!!!!!!!! 

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